Beacon was founded on a set of principles that have guided our business practices and growth philosophy for nearly 100 years. Through explosive growth—rapid geographic expansion and acquisition of building supply brands throughout the United States and Canada—we have sustained a corporate culture dedicated to core personal and business values. This has helped us to maintain a happy, motivated workforce and build long-term relationships with our construction and building supply customers. We expect that our supplier partners will share in these core values and comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Beacon Sales Acquisition, Inc., including its affiliates and subsidiaries (thereafter “Beacon”), expects that each of its suppliers, their parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliated entities shall comply with Beacon’s ethical principles and ensure that this code of conduct is complied with by all of their employees, agents, and representatives, including subcontractors.
Beacon has five core values around which our culture and ethics are based: Put People First, Make Every Day Safer, Do the Right Thing, Own Your Day, and Never Stop Building.
We are proud to support the hardworking people that build our communities and are driven by one purpose, helping our teammates, customers, and partners BUILD MORE. Our reputation is built on a foundation of consistency, trust, and respect. We are dedicated to forging collaborative relationships that empower people to reach their maximum potential.
Beacon’s suppliers must comply with the wage and benefits laws of their locale along with the applicable working hours and rest laws. Beacon expects its suppliers to ensure that hourly work expectations for employees do not jeopardize their health or safety. Beacon expects its suppliers to provide their employees with fair wages and benefits as appropriate for its workforce.
Beacon does not accept any practice on the part of its suppliers that is incompatible with the rights outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN resolution of November 20, 1989, available here). The minimum working age for a child may not be lower than the compulsory schooling age under applicable laws (generally 15 years of age, or 14 when permitted by local regulations). Additionally, all young workers must be protected against any work that is potentially dangerous, that could interfere with their education, or that could be harmful to their physical, mental, or social well-being.
Beacon expects its suppliers to forbid any and all forced labor and involuntary prison work. All work, including overtime, must be performed by the employee on a voluntary basis, and employees must be free to leave their jobs provided they give reasonable notice. Employers and agents may not hold or otherwise destroy, conceal, confiscate, or otherwise deny employees access to their identity or immigration documents, such as government‐issued identification, passports or work permits, unless such holdings are required by law.
We have an unwavering commitment to safety because a safe team is a healthy, happy, and successful team. We know that by creating safe and inclusive workplaces, we are building stronger communities, and helping our employees and customers live healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Beacon believes that all employees have the right to a safe and healthy work environment, free of the risk of violations to their personal integrity. Therefore, Beacon’s suppliers must put in place and maintain a workplace health and safety policy to ensure that their employees comply with all applicable occupational health and safety laws and regulations, including those enforced by the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration and the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety, as applicable. In particular, each supplier must track the number of lost time accidents and implement any and all measures aimed at reducing this number.
In accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (available here) and its own ethical principles, Beacon expects its suppliers to offer their employees fair and equal treatment that respects each person’s dignity as a human. In addition, Beacon expects its suppliers to provide their employees with opportunities for recognition and career advancement irrespective of their origin, gender, beliefs, or handicaps. Beacon does not tolerate any form of discrimination, whatsoever.
In addition, harassment in any form, regardless of intent, whether direct or indirect, physical or verbal, is not acceptable to Beacon. Beacon expects its suppliers to guarantee that all of their employees are able to work in an environment where they are free from the risk of discrimination and harassment.
Every day, we have a choice to do it the easy way or the right way – we choose to do it the right way every time. We take our responsibility to each other seriously and value honest communication and diverse perspectives. It may take longer, It may be harder, but we are determined to do what’s right for our teammates, customers, and stakeholders, because that’s what matters most.
Suppliers will conduct business with Beacon consistent with honesty and integrity and strive to demonstrate the highest standards of business ethics. Beacon’s suppliers must comply without exception to all applicable national laws and international treaties concerning:
Beacon employees are expected to avoid any situation that involves a conflict between their personal interests and the interests of Beacon. Working simultaneously for a customer, supplier, or competitor could constitute a conflict of interest for an employee, as could directly or indirectly holding significant interests in such companies. Beacon expects its suppliers to respect these principles to the letter during their contact with its employees.
Beacon employees are prohibited from allocating, offering, or granting unwarranted advantages in any form, directly or through an intermediary, to a private individual or a representative of public policymakers in any country, for the purpose of obtaining favorable treatment or influencing the outcome of a negotiation involving Beacon.
With regard to suppliers, gifts, invitations, and/or benefits may be given to a supplier or received from a supplier when the aim of the gift is to increase brand image and/or maintain good business relationships, and only if consistent with customary business practices and applicable laws and regulations. Beacon’s suppliers must comply with these principles during their contacts with employees of Beacon as well as with their own sub-contractors.
Beacon requires all of its suppliers to adhere strictly to the fair trade/competition laws applicable in the countries in which they operate. As a general rule, these laws forbid understandings or maneuvers that could limit or distort competition or trade. Such activities include, but are not limited to, price-fixing agreements, the manipulation of tender processes, collusion with respect to markets, territories or clients between competitors, as well as the boycotting or unequal treatment of certain clients or suppliers without valid cause. The exchange or disclosure of sensitive business information concerning competitors, clients, or suppliers is forbidden.
Beacon requires its suppliers to respect the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements in effect, and to properly protect and refrain from disclosing any strategic, financial, technical, or commercial data or documents communicated by Beacon and not in the public domain. Likewise, any nominative, professional or private information pertaining to individuals must be protected by all necessary precautions to prevent alteration or disclosure. The obligation of confidentiality also applies to information provided in confidence by the partners and customers of Beacon. This obligation of confidentiality remains in effect even in the event that business relations between the supplier and Beacon are terminated. Suppliers may not make their involvement with Beacon public or use the brand Beacon without the prior written consent of Beacon. If consent is given, suppliers must comply with all related instructions and directions.
Beacon suppliers are responsible for protecting the assets and resources provided to them by Beacon, such as installations, equipment, and financial resources or cash. These assets and resources must be used in accordance with their business purpose and within the framework, established by Beacon. They may not be used for other purposes without the prior consent of Beacon. It is up to each supplier to protect the assets and resources of Beacon against any and all deterioration, fraud, loss, or theft.
More specifically, Beacon requires each of its suppliers to respect all national laws and international treaties in force pertaining to intellectual property and to respect the intellectual property rights of Beacon and third parties.
Suppliers may not represent themselves to the media as speaking on behalf of Beacon unless expressly authorized to do so in writing Beacon’s General Counsel. Media inquiries must be immediately referred to Ms. Jennifer Lewis, Vice President, Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility. Suppliers also should maintain processes to ensure that the use of social media does not negatively affect Beacon’s reputation.
We take pride in a job well done and are always willing to roll up our sleeves and put in the extra effort to overcome obstacles and get results. We understand that every member of the team has a direct impact on the company’s legacy and feel personally accountable for Beacon’s reputation and financial success.
Respect for the environment and the preservation of natural resources, in its own operations as well as those of its customers, is a major priority for Beacon. Accordingly, it is up to each supplier to contribute to the efforts and commitments of Beacon by complying with applicable environmental protection regulations. Suppliers will obtain and keep current all required environmental permits, approvals, and registrations, and follow their operational and reporting requirements. Beacon’s suppliers should preserve natural resources, structuring their activities so as to avoid or minimize negative environmental impacts endeavoring to continuously improve their products and services with the goal of making them more environmentally friendly.
Suppliers are expected to keep accurate records to show compliance with this code. Beacon expects its suppliers to provide complete and accurate information, including access to their documentation, notably financial documentation. During tender, qualification, or performance evaluation procedures. Beacon reserves the right to verify compliance with the rules set forth in this code of conduct with each supplier in any form it chooses: a questionnaire or an audit by Beacon or a third party. In addition, Beacon expects its suppliers to disclose any restrictions that may be imposed on the export or re-export of their supplies of products or services.
It is the expectation of Beacon that our suppliers will promptly correct any action or policy found to be violating this code. Beacon reserves the right to terminate any business relationship with any Supplier that does not comply with this Code.
To report questionable behavior or a possible violation of the Supplier Code of Conduct Suppliers are encouraged to work with their primary Beacon contact in resolving their concern. If that is not possible or appropriate, please contact Beacon through any of the methods described at:
Beacon will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible and will not tolerate any retribution or retaliation taken against any individual who has, in good faith, sought out advice or reported questionable behavior or a possible violation of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
The path from average to exceptional begins with hard work and we wake up motivated to be a little better today than we were yesterday. We are strategic thinkers, always looking for a better way, a better solution, or a better approach. We are dedicated to bringing our customers innovative, smart and reliable solutions to help them get more from their day.
These guidelines provide an introduction to the minimum requirements that all Suppliers should meet in order to conduct business with Beacon. Beacon expects its suppliers to embrace its commitment to integrity and strive for the highest level of integrity whenever possible.
Any violation of this Code of Conduct may result in corrective action. The appropriate action in a particular case depends on the nature and severity of the Code violation and the circumstances surrounding the situation. Failure to comply with this Code and/or any additional requirements set forth here by Beacon, or any applicable laws and regulations may result in the termination of any agreement as a Beacon supplier and referral of the matter to local authorities.