It is very important to us that your business is successful, and we would like to be a part of that success. Beacon’s Credit Department fully recognizes the benefits of establishing competitive lines of credit for our customers. Qualified professionals are in place to process your application quickly to accommodate your immediate needs.
We are equipped to accommodate all of your purchasing requirements by establishing competitive credit lines. Our team will review the credit line periodically to ensure it is sufficient as the business grows.
If you find that your business is experiencing growth and you require a line increase, please inform your sales rep who will put you in contact with your Regional Credit Office and they will attempt to accommodate your needs quickly.
We recognize that credit extensions will vary depending on the size of ongoing jobs at any given time. If the job is big or small, Beacon has you covered with:
These account options help to manage seasonality demands allowing Beacon to:
For additional support, you can also email or call 844-523-6514
For a list of customer service centers close to you, please visit our Regional Customer Care Contact Numbers.