Contractors can quickly convert estimates to material orders and submit to Beacon with specific details on where and when to deliver. Pricing and product availability are updated in real-time providing accurate insight into material cost and product selection.
From estimates with up-to-date pricing to automatic materials orders, you don’t have to worry about inaccuracies causing headaches and costing money.
Improved Margins
With live pricing directly from Beacon PRO+, you won’t have to worry about out-of-date pricing cutting into your profits.
Simplified Materials
Order Beacon materials and schedule delivery for when and where you need them all in one place.
Repeatable Job Costing
With custom macro templates and easy measurement integrations, creating a repeatable job costing process with Leap and Beacon Pro+ is easier than ever before.
Leap helps us streamline all of our communication, stay organized internally as a team, but also ensures that every single promise made to a homeowner gets executed and that promise is delivered.
844-370-LEAP or visit us at